Noel Gallagher says the only good things he is good at are "smoking weed and talking about Manchester City".

Despite being one of the greatest songwriters of all-time and a four-decade veteran of the music business, the 'Wonderwall' hitmaker insists he does not have many life skills nor many practical skills when it comes to setting up his gigs.

Appearing on Sky Arts show 'The Live Revival', he said: "Still to this day, I’m f****** grossly underqualified to be a technician of any kind."

He jokingly added: "Can’t drive, can’t f****** swim. I’m s**t at most things apart from smoking weed and talking about Man City."

Noel, 53, admits that in the early days of Oasis he and his bandmates - which included his younger brother Liam Gallagher - would always be on stage panicking that something would go wrong because they could barely change a guitar string.

He said: "What’s going to happen here if he snapped a bass string, he’s f***ed!”

'The Live Revival' is a three-part docuseries which starts on Thursday night (27.05.21) at 9pm that focuses on 550 small music venues across the UK which are in danger of closing down due to the lockdown imposed to halt the COVID-19 pandemic.

Noel uses his appearance in the show to criticise the UK government for abandoning the music business in their coronavirus support, as he and thousands of artists have not been able to play live for over a year.

The rocker said: "There has been no sign of anybody saying anything about the f****** music business.

"It’s all about f****** sport, or hanging out in parks ... What about the f****** music?

"Music is of the upmost importance – people live and breathe it."