Rosario Dawson is finding it ''challenging'' being away from her boyfriend amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The 40-year-old actress is living with her parents, Isabel and Greg - who was previously having chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer - and admitted it's difficult being several states away from her partner, Senator Cory Booker, as he is working in Washington D.C..

She said: ''We are so many thousands of miles apart. It's so challenging.

''That was sort of the dedication during this quarantine to take care of [my dad], while [Cory] was still in D.C. working on the stimulus package.''

The 'Briarpatch' star and the New Jersey senator had been planning their ''longest vacation ever'' this month but have now had to postpone it indefinitely.

She told 'Entertainment Tonight': ''He's been campaigning the whole year and it was just only a couple of months since we started dating. So we've not really had a really good chunk of time together because of our work and our family and all the other things.

''It ended up being what was supposed to be our longest time together, [is] now our longest period apart from each other. So, that's definitely been really challenging.''

And Rosario is unsure when she'll see Cory again.

She said: ''We just gotta make really careful decisions about moving... Both of my parents are high risk, so I just want to do anything and everything we can in this next year or year and a half, whatever period it is, of just being as safe as possible.

''It's hard to think about when we are going to be flying again and doing anything that was planned. Like plans, what are those? We're just taking it every day at a time.''

The actress' dad has been recovering for around four months and the family are feeling grateful that he's not having to go through chemotherapy and can stay isolated at home.

She said: ''We're just in our gratitude. You know, if we were in that moment where he was going back and forth to his chemo in the middle of this quarantine; that would be really scary. But luckily, it's just about being here and trying to feed him six meals a day and get him to gain some weight. So, I've just been on that, sort of, nursing duty. ...So that was sort of the dedication during this quarantine, to take care of him.''