The GTA V release date is tomorrow, September 17th. The GTA V reviews are yet to be released. GTA V pre-orders have been dispatched early by Amazon and retailers have been allegedly selling copies early. You guess it: The GTA V makers, Rockstar, aren’t happy.

But there are plenty of happy people who got their games early, in some cases, people saw a copy of the highly anticipated game plop through their letterboxes on Saturday (Sept 14), making for a weekend of debauchery. At least it’s from the comfort of their living rooms, right?

Understandably, though, Rockstar aren’t delighted with the news, and are investigating how so many consumers have their grubby mitts all over their blockbuster title so early. What’s the big deal? You might ask; the Edinburgh-based company are getting their money either way. Well, it’s partly to do with people leaking images, footage and spoilers from the game.

“Pre-Release Footage: No pre-release leaked footage of any kind: Any posting of in-game footage from leaked copies of the game prior to its official release date will be taken down, regardless of how the game was obtained. This includes “early unboxing” videos,” said a press release.

Myriad YouTube videos featuring gameplay have been removed by Rockstar, but a quick search will still yield a few videos that haven’t. This is because they simply can’t keep up.

The game cost £170m to make – more than most Hollywood films – and the renown company wanted to keep to their schedule. If you needed a reminder of how much this videogame means to people, then check out this kid’s reaction to receiving the game early. His age – something far below the 18 rating – doesn’t seem to matter.

Did you get your copy of the game early? Let us know in the reviews or let us know on Twitter or Facebook.

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