Jim Carrey and Margaret Atwood are among 100 Canadians now banned from entering Russia.

President Vladimir Putin has forbidden a whole host of celebrities from stepping foot on Russian land for siding with Ukraine amid his invasion of the neighbouring country, and now a number of Canadians are on a new blacklist from Moscow.

The 60-year-old Canadian-American actor and the 82-year-old Canadian poet and author - who penned 'The Handmaid's Tale' - join American stars such as Ben Stiller and Sean Penn in being prohibited from stepping foot in the European country.

The list comes as Canada sent $500 million (£320 million) in additional military aid to Ukraine.

Meanwhile, music legend Roger Waters recently claimed he's been on a "kill list" since the invasion.

The 79-year-old star - who has been outspoken about the ongoing conflict in eastern Europe - suspects he's wanted man in Ukraine.

He said: "I’m on a kill list that is supported by the Ukrainian government. I’m on the f****** list, and they’ve killed people recently … But when they kill you, they write ‘liquidated’ across your picture. Well, I’m one of those f****** pictures."

Roger even suggested that people within Ukraine try to discredit him online.

He said: "When I read stuff, which I have done in blogs and things, criticising me for my … I always go and look and see where it came from. And it’s amazing how often when I’ve done the hunt and hunted it down, it is da, da, da.ukraine.org."

Roger thinks Russia's President actually spent two decades trying to "avoid" a conflict with Ukraine. But he claims that Putin was ultimately "encouraged" to launch an invasion because of the attitude of NATO countries.

The Pink Floyd co-founder said: "Russia should not have been encouraged to invade the Ukraine after they tried for 20 years to avoid it by suggesting diplomatic measures to Western governments."

Roger penned an open letter to Putin, calling for an end to the "heinous war" in Ukraine.

The musician was also critical of the US and other NATO nations, accusing them of invading "other sovereign countries at the drop of a hat".

He wrote in his letter: "I know, I know, the USA and NATO invade other sovereign countries at the drop of a hat, or for a few barrels of oil, but that doesn’t mean you should, your invasion of Ukraine took me completely by surprise, it was a heinous war of aggression, provoked or not."