Louis CK has made a lot of people angry with his SNL monologue – what else is new. The comedian, who thrives on controversy more than anything, So his monologue on last night’s SNL – and the scandal it caused – shouldn’t come as any sort of surprise.

Louis CK
How far beyond the line did Louis go this time?


But then, Saturday night, though not super squeaky clean, does have some boundaries – boundaries, which the comedian just walked right past with his eight-minute monologue. A wave of backlash to Louis C.K.'s monologue has spread across the Internet after the bit, which featured jokes about child molestation, among other topics like racism and the Israel-Palestine conflict.

The Louie star compared the two Middle Eastern states to his children, before segueing into a bit about his own "mildly racist" attitudes (Example: Having two different reactions to a white man in a hoodie and a black man in a hoodie).

More: Louis CK Surprises Fans with $5 Comedy Special, Live at the Comedy Store

So you can see how some people would have a problem with those statements. It was probably CK’s joke comparing his love of Mound bars to what sex must be like for a child molester. This seems to be what really got the tweets flowing.

The star of Louis was able to let loose, because, apparently this is his last show – besides the tesasers with Kate McKinnon, Louis made repeated references to his tentative retirement. "It's my last show probably," he said at one point, a fact seemingly confirmed by a promo during the show in which Kate McKinnon said it would be his final appearance.