Noel Gallagher has slammed Glastonbury festival for growing too “woke” and “preachy”.

The former Oasis songwriter, 57, is a regular at the event in Worthy Farm, Somerset, and partied there over the weekend as headliners including Coldplay took to the Pyramid Stage and artists made a string of political statements.

Noel ranted on his friend Matt Morgan’s Patreon podcast after getting back home from the festival: “Don’t get me wrong, I f****** love Glastonbury.

“I think it’s one of the most important things. In fact it’s probably the best f****** thing about Britain apart from the Premier League.

“It’s getting a bit woke now, that place, and a bit kind of preachy and a bit virtue-signalling.

“I don’t like it in music – little f****** idiots waving flags around and making political statements and bands taking the stage and saying, ‘Hey guys, isn’t war ­terrible, yeah? Let’s all boo war. F*** the Tories man,’ and all that.

“It’s like, look – play your f****** tunes and get off.”

Noel added crowds listening to political messages from bands weren’t in a position to do anything about the world’s problems.

He said: “It’s too much. Donate all your money to the cause — that’s it, stop yapping about it.

“Let’s just say for instance the world is in a bit of a f***** up place and you’re all in a field in Glastonbury.

“What’s the problem with that? I haven’t got a problem with it.

“I guess if you’re 18 and you’re middle class you might have a problem with it.

“But what’s all the kids in a field at Glastonbury going to do about it?

“Everybody knows what’s going on in the f****** world, you’ve got a phone in your pocket that tells you anyway.

“What is the point of virtue-signalling?”

This year’s Glastonbury saw musicians making statements about Palestine’s conflict with Israel and immigration.