Peter Dinklage is thankful to have ''really great parents''.

The 'Game of Thrones' actor - who was born with achondroplasia, a common form of dwarfism - is thankful to have grown up surrounded by supportive people, but admits he wasn't ''spared'' from bullying, something he insists is very common.

Speaking at the Emmy Awards - where he picked up the Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series prize - last night (20.09.15), he told USA Today: ''I had really great parents, and some really great teachers. And that's all you need really.

''Bullying is a worldwide epidemic. None of us are really spared from it.''

Peter scooped the Emmy for his portrayal of Tyrion Lannister in 'Game of Thrones' and was astonished to take home the prize, admitting he didn't even prepare for the possibility of getting on stage.

He admitted to the audience at Los Angeles' Microsoft Theatre: I wasn't prepared at all, I was even chewing gum!.

''I wasn't prepared because the other actors in my category I'm still sort of awed by their performances.

''We're only as good as our writers and I'm lucky to work with the greatest writers.''