In the wake of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, a number of Hollywood celebrities have banded together to create the “Demand a Plan” video, which urges politicians to take decisive action against gun violence and the public to demand said action from their representatives.
The video for demand a plan features a number of A-listers, including Beyonce Knowles, Amy Poehler, John Hamm, Elen DeGeneres and Reese Witherspoon among many others. The video is part of a larger effort to bring about increased gun control in the US. Another part of the campaign is a petition, available to sign at, which demands the imposition of a criminal background check for every gun, sold in America, a total ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, as well as the criminalization of gun trafficking.
Among those advocating the changes is actor Jamie Foxx, who has recently been very vocal with his opinions about violence and the media’s influence. All of this will come into play in the heated debate for and against increased gun regulation, with the other key player in all this being the now infamous NRA or National Rifle Association, advocating for the right to bear arms as a “means of self defense” and constitutional right. The association hasn’t clarified what kind of situation warrants the use of assault rifles. President Obama is yet to take any stance on the matter, despite continued appeals from both sides of the debate.
Watch the video for Demand a Plan below.
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