Alright, so we realise that nothing can truly be a bargain at £2m, but if you take a look at Billy Connolly’s castle – the one that’s up for sale right now – you might just check your bank account to see if you can scrape together the funds. Imagine a game of hide and seek in that mother.

Billy ConnollyBilly Connolly is saying goodbye to his castle, but he doesn't seem too annoyed

Saville’s, the company selling the castle, call it a "beautiful Scottish mansion house with stunning Highland setting." The house is so big, you have to pay council tax on a total of three buildings: Candacraig House, the Old Engine House and the Gate Lodge, all with different tax bands. Ridiculous.

The popular comedian and his wife have decided to sell their highland escape – where Connolly enjoyed his own river for fly-fishing – after buying it back in 1998. We’d love to know how much is cost back then. Guests like Robin Williams, Steve Martin and Ewan McGregor have been for visits in the 15 years they’ve owned it. Last year, the couple were renting the castle out due to them spending less and less time there. For £3,950, groups of up to 11 people could hire the house for one night and have a three-course dinner cooked by the resident chef.

Billy ConnollyIt's easy, and funny, to imagine Connolly prancing around his mega Scotland house

The company website says: "Strathdon has a well established place on the Highland games circuit, with the Lonach Gathering being one of the most famous games in Scotland. The Lonach Highlanders originate in Strathdon and their march through the glen in full highland garb is one of the most colourful occasions in the highland calendar. The present owners host the Highlanders at Candacraig House on the morning of the games."