Recently, Freddie Prinze Jr. revealed that he thought Kiefer Sutherland was ‘the most unprofessional’ person he’d ever worked with during his time on the hit show 24 in 2010. While promoting his new Disney XD series Star Wars Rebels at the San Diego Comic-Con, the 38-year-old explained that he took a hiatus from Hollywood as a result of his difficulty playing Cole Ortiz on 24.

Freddie Prinze Jr
Freddie Prinze Jr has revealed his opinion that Kiefer Sutherland was 'unprofessional' on 24

It would seem, then, that actors are often a lot better at their profession than we give them credit for. While viewers watch scenes of love, tenderness, friendship and camaraderie, backstage, certain actors have all sorts of problems with each other.

Here’s a look at other stars who’ve dazzled onscreen but fought viciously off it.

Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling

Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams Notebook co-star, Ryan Gosling, asked her to be removed from the set

It’s been ten years since The Notebook successfully hit the cinemas and director, Nick Cassavetes, seems to feel now is the time to reveal its backstage secrets. Speaking to VH-1, Cassavetes explained that, despite their chemistry onscreen and eventual romance off it, there was one point when Gosling wanted McAdams kicked off the set.

More: Rachel McAdams Notebook audition tape revealed

Cassavetes revealed: ‘He’s doing a scene with Rachel and he says, "Would you take her out of here and bring in another actress to read off camera with me?" I said, "What?" He says, "I can’t. I can’t do it with her. I’m just not getting anything from this."’

Fortunately, Gosling was able to put his troubles aside and audiences were gifted with one of the most iconic love stories of the 21st Century.

Lindsey Lohan and America Ferrera

Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan was not well received as a guest star by America Ferrera on Ugly Betty

It looks like Ugly Betty was ugly in name and ugly in nature when Lindsey Lohan arrived as a guest star on the set of the American drama in 2008. At the time Lohan was struggling with a personal life permanently splashed all over the news with reports of wild drunkenness abound.

Rumours circulated that she smoked on set and needed a huge entourage wherever she went but Lohan’s camp claimed Ferrera was the mean one.

Either way, these mean girls couldn’t patch things up for long, and Lohan’s cameo was cut short from six episodes to four.

More: James Franco admits Lindsay Lohan came on to him

Bill Murray and Lucy Liu

Bill Murray
Bill Murray squabbled with his co-star, Lucy Liu, on the set of Charlie's Angels

It seems Bill Murray didn’t think that all of Charlie’s Angels were very angelic when he appeared in the first film of the franchise. It was reported that there was a big argument between Murray, who played Bosley, and Liu when he questioned her ability to act on set and she responded in kind with a couple of angel-swinging fists.

Consequently, Murray refused to reprise his role in Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle and Bernie Mac was brought in as a replacement.

Kenny Baker and Anthony Daniels

Anthony Daniels
Anthony Daniels did not win over his co-star, Kenny Baker, during the film of George Lucas' original Star Wars

As close as Star Wars characters R2-D2 and C-3PO may have been in the film, co-stars Baker and Daniels were anything but behind the scenes.

The pair, who worked together on the original 1977 George Lucas Star Wars, were not friendly and Baker says he has no regrets not forming a friendship with the British Daniels. Baker said: "Anthony doesn’t mix at all - he keeps himself to himself. He never wants to have a drink with any of us."

Fortunate that the two only ever had to interact on screen as their various robotic counterparts then.