Author: Jack de Aguilar Page 42

Gone But Never Forgotten, Philip Chevron Leaves Legendary Pogues Behind in his Passing

Gone But Never Forgotten, Philip Chevron Leaves Legendary Pogues Behind in his Passing

Has there ever been a better sing-a-long band than The Pogues? Probably not, and you can bet there’ll be many a drink raised and many a sing-a-long sung tonight as the news that the band’s...

News posted in Music / Festivals on 9th October 2013

So, What Can You Use the New BBC Playlister For?

So, What Can You Use the New BBC Playlister For?

Content streaming is big business these days. But due to the tax-paid nature of the BBC, they can’t very well start something like Spotify for themselves. But what if they offered up a service that...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 9th October 2013

Superhero Squabbles: Marvel's 'Avengers, Assembly Required' DVD Is Out There [Video]

Superhero Squabbles: Marvel's 'Avengers, Assembly Required' DVD Is Out There [Video]

The DVD, which features the pilot episode for Marvel’s Avengers, Assembly Required, is out there. It came out this week and sees Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow and the newest recruit,...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 9th October 2013

The Walking Dead Season 4 Preview, Everything You Need To Know

The Walking Dead Season 4 Preview, Everything You Need To Know

The Walking Dead finally returns this week (Oct13) to AMC. With the network’s keynote show, Breaking Bad, having culminated in its fantastic finale not so long ago, TV lovers will welcome the return of Robert...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 9th October 2013

Alfonso Cuaron Reveals How 'Gravity' Was Very Nearly, Rubbish

Alfonso Cuaron Reveals How 'Gravity' Was Very Nearly, Rubbish

Studio pressure is one of the biggest movie killers out there. It can strip the creative power away from a director, making the final piece a pandering mess. But Alfonso Cuaron – whose film Gravity...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 9th October 2013

Tom Hanks Has Type-2 Diabetes, "Something's Going to Kill Us All," He Tells Letterman

Tom Hanks Has Type-2 Diabetes, "Something's Going to Kill Us All," He Tells Letterman

Tom Hanks, in his usual, emphatic way, was entertainingly nonchalant when he revealed he had type-2 diabetes to David Letterman on the host’s late night chat show."I went to the doctor and he said 'You...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 9th October 2013

'Beyond Two Souls' Doesn't Go Beyond The Controller, Do We Want Movie-Style Video Games?

'Beyond Two Souls' Doesn't Go Beyond The Controller, Do We Want Movie-Style Video Games?

Unfortunately, despite the hype, Beyond Two Souls hasn’t managed to successfully bridge the proverbial gap between video game and film. Many titles have attempting such a plug, with some getting closer than others - even...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 8th October 2013

'The Armstrong Lie': An Incredible Story of Denial and Power, Told by Alex Gibney [Trailer]

'The Armstrong Lie': An Incredible Story of Denial and Power, Told by Alex Gibney [Trailer]

Lance Armstrong’s story is an implausible, unbelievable, incredible, but none of those adjectives would be applicable if the following wasn’t: it’s true. In The Armstrong Lie, Gibney admits to rooting for the shamed cyclist, before...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 8th October 2013

Have You Seen the Carrie Prank? Watch the Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise! [Video]

Have You Seen the Carrie Prank? Watch the Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise! [Video]

How would you react if you saw someone thrust into a wall through another person just raising his or her hand, angrily? What would you say if a woman screamed and tables started moving away...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 8th October 2013

iTunes Radio Hitting the UK by 'Early 2014', People in the Know Say

iTunes Radio Hitting the UK by 'Early 2014', People in the Know Say

Music streaming service iTunes radio will be hitting English speaking countries, like the UK, Australia, in early 2014, Bloomberg report. If the reports are true, then Apple are making their move before their rival, Pandora.The...

News posted in Music / Festivals on 8th October 2013

Film Legends Harrison Ford and Ben Kingsley Visit London School To Promote Learning via Movies

Film Legends Harrison Ford and Ben Kingsley Visit London School To Promote Learning via Movies

As part of an initiative to encourage kids to both engage with and learn from cinema, Harrison Ford and Sir Ben Kingsley visited a London academy in West London.Ben Kingsley in Ender's GameThe kids that...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 8th October 2013

Worst Endorsement Ever? David Cameron Gives Benedict Cumberbatch the Thumbs Up For 'The Fifth Estate'

Worst Endorsement Ever? David Cameron Gives Benedict Cumberbatch the Thumbs Up For 'The Fifth Estate'

Oh, the humility. It’s like a posh uncle defending the indefensible. While the critics have essentially blasted Benedict Cumberbatch’s The Fifth Estate, which tells the story of Wikileaks and its founder, Julian Assange, David Cameron...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 8th October 2013

Jeff Koons Sculpture Takes Centre Stage on Lady Gaga ARTPOP Artwork

Jeff Koons Sculpture Takes Centre Stage on Lady Gaga ARTPOP Artwork

Ahead of November 11th’s ARTPOP release, Gaga has unveiled the artwork for the album on billboards and via a live stream of her website in New York’s Time Sq. As expected, she’s basically naked.The Artwork...

News posted in Music / Festivals on 8th October 2013

No 'Blue Jasmine' for India: Anti Smoking Adverts See Woody Allen Pull Oscar Contender

No 'Blue Jasmine' for India: Anti Smoking Adverts See Woody Allen Pull Oscar Contender

This weekend would have seen Woody Allen’s Blue Jasmine open in around 30 cinemas in India, but the director has decided to withdraw him film due to the anti-smoking campaign that would have penetrated two...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 8th October 2013

Ellie Goulding's 'How Will I Love You' is Children in Need's Official Single for 2013

Ellie Goulding's 'How Will I Love You' is Children in Need's Official Single for 2013

It’s official – she announced it on the radio this morning – Ellie Goulding’s track, How Will I Love You, is the 2013 Children in Need single. The singer follows in the footsteps of pop...

News posted in Music / Festivals on 7th October 2013

Lady Gaga Smokes and Charlie Sheen is President in 'Machete Kills' [Trailer + Pictures]

Lady Gaga Smokes and Charlie Sheen is President in 'Machete Kills' [Trailer + Pictures]

It’s a good thing Machete and its stars don’t take themselves too seriously, because one look at the reviews would be enough to kick off a pretty serious binge. Still, the latest in the franchise...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 7th October 2013

Breaking Broadway: Bryan Cranston to Swap Meth Empires for the President's Desk

Breaking Broadway: Bryan Cranston to Swap Meth Empires for the President's Desk

Bryan Cranston’s fantastic career continues to take unexpected turns. From being the quirky dad in Malcolm in the Middle, to taking the TV world by storm with his portrayal of Walter White in Breaking Bad,...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 7th October 2013

Matt Smith to Play 'American Psycho's' Patrick Bateman in New Musical

Matt Smith to Play 'American Psycho's' Patrick Bateman in New Musical

Matt Smith will be flexing an entirely different set of acting muscles to that of his Doctor Who days when he takes on the character of Patrick Bateman in the musical version of American Psycho....

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 7th October 2013

Danny Boyle Planning Another Heist - This Time, It's Diamonds

Danny Boyle Planning Another Heist - This Time, It's Diamonds

Having enjoyed his experience with Trance, Danny Boyle is set to take on the heist genre once again as he agrees to helm a movie adaption of the documentary, Smash & Grab. Pathe and Fox...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 7th October 2013

'Gravity's' Pull is Irresistible as Cuaron's 3D Space Thriller Sets Box Office Record

'Gravity's' Pull is Irresistible as Cuaron's 3D Space Thriller Sets Box Office Record

As we foresaw – alongside a number of commentators – in our box office preview last Friday, Alfonso Cuaron’s Gravity topped the box office on the second October weekend, posting record figures along the way....

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 7th October 2013

Confirmed - Elizabeth Olsen On Board For 'Avengers: Age Of Ultron'

Confirmed - Elizabeth Olsen On Board For 'Avengers: Age Of Ultron'

Well, it’s basically confirmed, because Samuel L. Jackson said it, and he’s Samuel L. Jackson. Elizabeth Olsen will be making her super hero movie bow with Avengers: Age Of Ultron when it comes out in...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 4th October 2013

Blu and Jewell Go In Search of Roots In 'Rio 2' [Trailer + Pictures]

Blu and Jewell Go In Search of Roots In 'Rio 2' [Trailer + Pictures]

Those Blue Macaws are back, and this time they’ve got parrot sprogs to account for. But the bustling streets of Rio isn’t a great place to bring up kids – all three of them, played...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 4th October 2013

Jack Ryan's Origins Explored In Adaptation of Tom Clancy's 'Shadow Recruit' [Trailer + Pictures]

Jack Ryan's Origins Explored In Adaptation of Tom Clancy's 'Shadow Recruit' [Trailer + Pictures]

The trailer for Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit has been released; the first film in the series to bear simply the name of the character that has sewn all previous released together. The film takes on...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 4th October 2013

Fans of Sleepy Hollow Wake Up To Season Two News - It's Been Renewed!

Fans of Sleepy Hollow Wake Up To Season Two News - It's Been Renewed!

Against all odds – odds that it would be thrown on the pile with all the other rubbish TV remakes – Sleepy Hollow has been a raging success.Katia Winters, Tom Mison, Nicole Beharie and Orlando...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 4th October 2013

'The Counselor' Stars Out in Force For Screening of Ridley Scott Thriller [Pictures]

'The Counselor' Stars Out in Force For Screening of Ridley Scott Thriller [Pictures]

Few films have generated as much buzz as Ridley Scott’s The Counselor. Despite having a few ‘off’ films, shall we say, the impressive cast and Cormac McCarthy’s name on the writing credit mean this taut...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 4th October 2013

Box Office Preview: Can 'Parkland' Take on Gravity's Pull, Runner Runner's Star Quality?

Box Office Preview: Can 'Parkland' Take on Gravity's Pull, Runner Runner's Star Quality?

Three films go head to head this weekend, all with reasonable claim to the top spot. But will the audiences go for a historical to learn about the demise of JFK; head for the stars...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 4th October 2013

What Are You Seeing Tonight, Justin Timberlake's 'Runner Runner'?

What Are You Seeing Tonight, Justin Timberlake's 'Runner Runner'?

It’s a big night for cinema goers in the U.S. Two of the biggest movies of the year are out (Oct 4th): Runner, Runner – Justin Timberlake and Ben Affleck’s crime thriller – and Gravity...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 4th October 2013

Gravity Premiere Is a Genuinely Classy Affair - Academy Classy

Gravity Premiere Is a Genuinely Classy Affair - Academy Classy

My, film premieres seem like the classiest of soirées don’t they? Stars dressed up to the nines, the paps snapping away, and reporters grabbing a scoop with their insightful questions. Well, ironically, that’s what it’s...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 4th October 2013

Amazon Join The Original Programming Party - Three New Comedies Slated

Amazon Join The Original Programming Party - Three New Comedies Slated

Not content with being the biggest retailer in the world, Amazon have a streaming service that will soon have three original comedies to its name: Mozart in the Jungle, The Outlaws and Transparent. The service’s...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 3rd October 2013

Read Diana Director, Oliver Hirschbiegel's Response to Overwhelmingly Bad Reviews

Read Diana Director, Oliver Hirschbiegel's Response to Overwhelmingly Bad Reviews

It’s pretty fair to say that Diana – the film – was an unmitigated disaster. It would actually be quite unfair to say anything else. But while the critics were bashing away at their keyboard,...

News posted in Movies / TV / Theatre on 3rd October 2013


Leisure Festival - Dreamland in Margate

Leisure Festival - Dreamland in Margate

On the same day that Glastonbury welcomed back Margate's adopted sons, The Libertines, Margate itself put on it's very own Leisure Festival as it...

Pretty Fierce talk to us about collaborating with Doja Cat, emetophobia, arena tours and staying

Pretty Fierce talk to us about collaborating with Doja Cat, emetophobia, arena tours and staying "true to yourself" [EXCLUSIVE]

Sheffield's very own all girl group Pretty Fierce are still on a high after the recent release of their debut single - 'Ready For Me'.

Will Varley & Jack Valero - The Astor Theatre Deal Live Review

Will Varley & Jack Valero - The Astor Theatre Deal Live Review

Three nights before the end of his current tour Will Varley returned to his home town of Deal to delight a sold out crowd in The Astor Theatre.

WYSE talks to us about her

WYSE talks to us about her "form of synaesthesia", collaborating with Radiohead's Thom York and the prospect of touring with a band [EXCLUSIVE]

With only a few days to go before Portsmouth based songstress and producer WYSE releases her new single, 'Belladonna', we caught up with her to find...

Bay Bryan talks to us about being a

Bay Bryan talks to us about being a "wee queer ginger", singing with Laura Marling and being inspired by Matilda [EXCLUSIVE]

Colorado raised, Glasgow educated and Manchester based Bay Bryan is nothing if not a multi-talented, multi-faceted artist performing as both...

Keelan X talks to us about staying true to

Keelan X talks to us about staying true to "your creative vision", collaborating with Giorgio Moroder and being "a yoga nut" [EXCLUSIVE]

Former Marigolds band member Keelan Cunningham has rediscovered his love of music with his new solo project Keelan X.

Luke De-Sciscio talks to us about having the courage to be yourself, forgiving that which is outside of one's control and following whims [EXCLUSIVE]

Luke De-Sciscio talks to us about having the courage to be yourself, forgiving that which is outside of one's control and following whims [EXCLUSIVE]

Wiltshire singer-songwriter Luke De Sciscio, formally known as Folk Boy, is set to release is latest album - 'The Banquet' via AntiFragile Music on...

Annie Elise talks to us about the challenges a female producer has to face and

Annie Elise talks to us about the challenges a female producer has to face and "going through a year of grief and sickness" [EXCLUSIVE]

Electronic music pioneer and producer Annie Elise says that the release of her first EP - 'Breathe In, Breathe Out' feels "both vulnerable and...
