Latest Angelina Jolie News - Page 40

Spider-dad Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt's children want him to play Spider-Man.The actor has revealed his six kids - who he raises with his partner Angelina Jolie - are all huge fans of the web-slinging superhero and would love...

Cameron Confirms Jolie Is His Leading Lady For Cleopatra 3d

Moviemaker JAMES CAMERON has confirmed he's in talks to make a 3D CLEOPATRA movie with ANGELINA JOLIE as his leading lady.The Avatar and Titanic director tells the New York Times he wants Jolie to play...

Bosnian Officials Revoke Filming Permission For Jolie Film

Production on ANGELINA JOLIE's directorial debut has been thrown into jeopardy after Bosnian officials revoked permission for the actress to shoot the wartime love story in the country.Jolie has already started shooting the as-yet untitled...

Robert Downey Jr And Sandra Bullock Team Up For Big-budget Movie

It looks like ROBERT DOWNEY JR, the Golden Globe winning actor, has finally found a lead actress to star alongside him in the new movie 'Gravity'. A part in the outer-space thriller, currently scheduled for...

Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie To Reunite On Film?

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie could star together in 'The Tiger'. The pair previously worked together on 2005's 'Mr & Mrs Smith', but may be reunited in an adaptation of John Vaillant's upcoming novel according...

Natalie Portman Passes On Gravity

Natalie Portman has passed on the chance to take a leading role in 'Gravity'. The 'Black Swan' actress is the latest star to pass on the movie, following Angelina Jolie deciding it wasn't for her...

Jolie: 'I Don't Have A Lot Of Friends'

ANGELINA JOLIE depends on partner BRAD PITT - because she doesn't have any true friends she can confide in.The Tomb Raider actress is currently in Pakistan to visit victims of the recent devastating floods as...

Friendless Campaigner Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie doesn't have friends. The 35-year-old actress - who is currently on a visit to Pakistan where she is attempting to draw attention to the flood victims of the nation - admitted she doesn't...

Angelina Jolie Buys Italian Home

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have bought a $40 million mansion in Italy. The property - in the Italian hills of Valpolicella - features 15 bedrooms, seven bathrooms, a theatre and two swimming pools, and...

Natalie Portman Gravitates To New Role

Natalie Portman has been offered the lead role in 'Gravity'.The 'Black Swan' actress would replace Angelina Jolie in the title role of Alfonso Cuaron's sci-fi drama, after she pulled out following a second offer from...

Brad Pitt Tops Sex List

Brad Pitt and Megan Fox have topped a list of stars people would allow their partners to sleep with.The Hollywood stars were voted into the top spot after UK couples were asked which celebrities their...

Jolie Renews Pakistan Aid Plea

ANGELINA JOLIE has filmed an emotional new public service announcement (PSA) urging fans to donate aid supplies to victims of the devastating floods in Pakistan.The Tomb Raider star, a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations...

Meat Fan Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie blames being vegan for "nearly killing" her. The 'Salt' star says her guilty pleasure is to eat red meat and that when she restricted her diet to not include any animal products, it...

Unforgiven Angelina Jolie?

Angelina Jolie is being lined up for a role in 'Unforgiven'. A movie adaptation of the British miniseries is currently being scripted by Christopher McQuarrie with Angelina Jolie in mind for the leading role,

Angelina Jolie Thinks Marriage Is 'Lovely'

Angelina Jolie has hinted she may marry Brad Pitt in the future.Although the couple - who have been together since 2005 - haven't seriously considered tying the knot the actress does think being someone's wife...

Jolie Calls For More Help In Bosnia

ANGELINA JOLIE is urging officials in Bosnia and Herzegovina to help expedite the return of thousands of refugees who fled during the country's civil war.The Hollywood star made a stop in the country's capital Sarajevo...

Bosnia-bound Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie is to star in a romance movie set in the Bosnian War.The 'Salt' actress - who is also a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador - will take a leading role in the film, which...

Jolie To Direct War Film In Hungary?

ANGELINA JOLIE, BRAD PITT and their six kids are reportedly househunting in Budapest, Hungary so the actress can make her directorial debut with a film about the war in Yugoslavia at the beginning of the...

Angelina Jolie Needed Salt Action

Angelina Jolie enjoyed starring in action film 'Salt' because it stopped her feeling "soft" after giving birth. The actress was thrilled to get the chance to do her own stunts in the action movie -...

Jolie Donates $100,000 To Pakistan Flood Relief

ANGELINA JOLIE is leading donations for the flood relief effort in Pakistan - the superstar has handed over $100,000 (£66,666) of her own money to help those worst affected.The actress, who is a Goodwill Ambassador...

Jolie Lets Kids Play With Fake Blood

ANGELINA JOLIE let her kids play with fake blood on the set of her new movie SALT.The Hollywood actress steps into the role of a secret agent in the action thriller, and the film's daring...

No Monroe Movie For Clooney And Jolie

ANGELINA JOLIE and GEORGE CLOONEY have denied reports they're teaming up on the big screen to play MARILYN MONROE and FRANK SINATRA.The pair was rumoured to be starring in a movie adaption of Andrew O'Hagan's...

Angelina Jolie Unsure About Marilyn Role

Angelina Jolie is unsure if she is the right person to play Marilyn Monroe on the big screen.The stunning actress - who is reported to be portraying the curvy blonde bombshell in an upcoming epic...

Angelina Jolie's Kids Clothes

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are to design a line of children's clothing for charity.The couple - who raise six children together, Maddox, nine, Pax, six, Zahara, five, Shiloh, four, and two-year-old twins Knox and...

Brad Pitt's Hotel Romance

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie enjoy romantic dates in a hotel Jacuzzi.The couple and their six children are currently staying at the Claremont Hotel in Berkeley, California, while the actor works on his next movie...

Jolie Relishes 'Date Nights' With Pitt

ANGELINA JOLIE takes care to schedule 'date nights' with her partner BRAD PITT - because she's convinced a little bit of romance will help "hold" their relationship "together".The actress admits she carefully plans time away...

Jolie Glad She Snubbed Bond

ANGELINA JOLIE is glad she turned down the chance to star opposite DANIEL CRAIG in CASINO ROYALE - because she would never have felt comfortable playing a supporting role to a male action hero.The Oscar-winner...

Bath Time Dad Liev Schreiber

Liev Schreiber loves to bond with his sons in the bath.The 42-year-old actor - who has three-year-old Alexander, known as Sasha, and 19-month-old Kai with his fiancee Naomi Watts - thinks their nightly ritual is...

Liev Schreiber's Kids Have Angelina Playdates

Liev Schreiber has revealed his children went on playdates with Angelina Jolie's kids while the two actors filmed action movie 'Salt'.The actor - who has two children, three-year-old Alexander and 19-month-old Samuel Kai, with his...

Angelina Jolie Needed 25 Staff

Angelina Jolie needs more than 25 staff to run her household, it has been claimed.The 'Salt' actress - who raises six children with partner Brad Pitt - reportedly needed a huge entourage to help out...

Angelina Jolie

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